Featured Stories

VLF Tan Delta Cable Testing: Is It Right for Your Company?
To explain VLF tan delta, we must first explain the reason it was developed and how the concept and equipment used to perform this test came about. Tan delta is ...

Categorizing Faults in Power Transformers via Dissolved Gas Analysis
While the chemistry behind dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is complex and important for industry chemists to understand, the typical DGA review need not be as complex. Thermal or hot metal ...

Bushing Condition Assessment and Troubleshooting
Bushings are the means by which electric power passes to and from different electrical devices, as they provide a point of interface for electrical voltage to be applied and current ...
Industry Topics

Is Your Arc-in-Oil Load Tap Changer Due for Maintenance?
A load tap changer (LTC) failure can be catastrophic to the electric power system. The load tap changer (LTC) is one of the few moving parts of a transformer, and this makes it more susceptible to routine wear and tear ...
CAP Corner

A Reliable Plant Is a Safe Plant
If you ask anyone in a plant environment who is responsible for safety, the answer will almost always be “Everyone.” ...
Specs & Standards

ANSI/NETA Standards Update
ANSI/NETA ECS–2020 Revision Completed ANSI/NETA ECS, Standard for Electrical Commissioning of Electrical Power Equipment & Systems, 2020 Edition, completed the American National Standard revision process. ANSI administrative approval was received on September 9, 2019. ANSI/NETA ECS–2020 supersedes the 2015 Edition ...

PowerTest 2020: New Product Forum
A–Rent Test Equipment www.a-rent.com SmartFleet A-Rent is a new provider of electrical test equipment rental started in 2019. Our multi-million-dollar fleet ...