Revision Completed
ANSI/NETA ECS, Standard for Electrical Commissioning of Electrical Power Equipment & Systems, 2020 Edition, completed the American National Standard revision process. ANSI administrative approval was received on September 9, 2019. ANSI/NETA ECS-2020 supersedes the 2015 Edition.
ANSI/NETA ECS describes the systematic process of documenting and placing into service newly installed or retrofitted electrical power equipment and systems. This document shall be used in conjunction with the most recent edition of ANSI/NETA ATS, Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment & Systems. The individual electrical components shall be subjected to factory and field tests, as required, to validate the individual components. It is not the intent of these specifications to provide comprehensive details on the commissioning of mechanical equipment, mechanical instrumentation systems, and related components.
The ANSI/NETA ECS-2020 Edition includes updates to the commissioning process, as well as inspection and commissioning procedures as it relates to low- and medium-voltage systems.
A project intent notification published in ANSI’s Standards Action on May 18, 2018, announced the intent to revise the standard. A 30-day initial ballot period and a 45-day public comment period began on April 26, 2019. A second ballot was issued July 5, 2019, and closed on August 5, 2019. The 45-day second ballot public comment period was scheduled to close on August 20, 2019. The revised edition of ANSI/NETA ECS will be released in February 2020 at PowerTest in Chicago.
Voltage classes addressed include:
- Low-voltage systems (less than 1,000 volts)
- Medium-voltage systems (greater than 1,000 volts and less than 100,000 volts)
- High-voltage and extra-high-voltage systems (greater than 100 kV and less than 1,000 kV)
- ASHRAE, ANSI/NETA ATS, NECA, NFPA 70E, OSHA, GSA Building Commissioning Guide
Revision Underway
ANSI/NETA ATS-2017, Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment & Systems is scheduled to complete an American National Standard revision process in fall 2020. A project intent notification was published in ANSI’s Standards Action on November 30, 2018. The revised standard is targeted for release in first quarter 2021.
ANSI/NETA ATS covers suggested field tests and inspections for assessing the suitability for initial energization of electrical power equipment and systems. The purpose of these specifications is to assure that tested electrical equipment and systems are operational, are within applicable standards and manufacturers’ tolerances, and are installed in accordance with design specifications.
Latest Edition
ANSI/NETA MTS, Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment & Systems, 2019 Edition, completed an American National Standard revision process having received ANSI approval on February 4, 2019. The revised edition of ANSI/NETA MTS was released in March 2019 and supersedes the 2015 Edition.
ANSI/NETA MTS contains specifications for suggested field tests and inspections to assess the suitability for continued service and reliability of electrical power equipment and systems. The purpose of these specifications is to assure that tested electrical equipment and systems are operational and within applicable standards and manufacturers’ tolerances, and that the equipment and systems are suitable for continued service. ANSI/NETA MTS-2019 revisions include online partial discharge survey for switchgear, frequency of power systems studies, frequency of maintenance matrix, and more. ANSI/NETA MTS-2019 is available for purchase at the NETA Bookstore at
Latest Edition
ANSI/NETA ETT, Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians, 2018 Edition, was approved by ANSI as an American National Standard on February 22, 2018. It is available now in the NETA Bookstore at, where a complimentary PDF copy can be downloaded or a printed copy ordered.
ANSI/NETA ETT establishes minimum requirements for qualifications, certification, training, and experience for the electrical testing technician. It provides criteria for documenting qualifications for certification and details the minimum qualifications for an independent and impartial certifying body to certify electrical testing technicians.
Comments and suggestions on any of the standards are always welcome and should be directed to NETA. To learn more about the NETA standards review and revision process, to purchase these standards, or to get involved, please visit or contact the NETA office at 888-300-6382.